A collective impact backbone entity designed to organize, align, and mobilize stakeholders and providers. Together, we create collective impact that benefits children, families, and ultimately, entire communities.



Increases in positive youth outcomes requires strategic partnerships between in-school and out-of-school youth service providers and educators. Social, emotional, and academic gains are interconnected and built on strong relationships. Partnership4Success (P4S) serves as an equity-centered collective impact backbone entity convening community stakeholders with a focus on continuous improvement. This approach maximizes and magnifies current investments in the youth service sector by fostering provider and funder collaboration, thus increasing the return on investment. P4S currently has three initiatives that support collective impact in Franklin County.

We bring together educators and other community stakeholders with a focus on equity, continuous improvement, and collective impact.

  • Social Emotional Learning Collaborative: A community of practice using social emotional learning and early warning indicator student-level data to inform programming in out-of-school-time settings across Franklin County.

  • Professional Learning: A forum for shared learning and capacity building around equity, social emotional development, coaching, facilitation, and strengthening strategic partnerships.

  • Site-Based Collective Impact: Since 2018 P4S serves as the backbone entity and thought partners for school-based collective impact projects. Convening six youth service providers alongside school-based educators and community partners at our pilot site, P4S contributed to a dramatic F to B growth in the schools’ Achievement Gap grade.

Our long-term goal is increased socio-economic equity as achieved through improved educational outcomes by meeting our 2023 goals:

  1. Expand the number of youth service providers participating in our community of practice and continue to strengthen relationships and increase collaboration between partner agencies.

  2. Expand the number of collective impact initiatives partnering youth service providers and schools.

  3. Continue to positively impact partner engagement with, knowledge about, and skills related to equity, continuous improvement, social emotional development, and early warning indicators.

  4. Positively impact partner organizations’ decision-making, programming, and management practices through coaching and group facilitation.

  5. Increase the number of youth service providers who use a continuous improvement process to inform programming.

  6. Increase providers use of shared measurement systems.

  7. Increase positive impacts on youth as evidenced by improved youth outcomes.


Our Mission

A community of equity-driven practitioners focused on strengthening social, emotional, and academic outcomes for Franklin County children.


Our Vision

Each child in Franklin County has access to high quality youth services.


Our Partners


All stakeholders work together to strengthen the equity-focused collaborative efforts of youth service providers, school districts, and funding agencies to ensure that providers have the tools, skills, and understandings necessary to positively impact the social, emotional, and academic development of all Franklin County youth.

Community Partners

Partnership4Success is an initiative of Franklin County Family and Children First Council and collaborates with local agencies to serve as an equity-centered collective impact backbone entity, convening community stakeholders united in their focus on continuous improvement. We magnify current investments in the youth service sector by fostering cross-sector collaboration. The P4S community is composed of practitioners dedicated to strengthening whole-child outcomes for all youth in Franklin County.

P4S partners make the intentional choice for equity to drive our collective decision-making. We currently have over thirty community partners actively engaged in the Partnership4Success Community of Practice.

Core Funders

Our Core Funders currently include ADAMH Board of Franklin County, City of Columbus, Franklin County Department of Job & Family Services, Franklin County Children Services, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and United Way of Central Ohio.

Our Impact
